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Monday, July 28, 2008

The Age of Death

No doubt anymore that now, we"re living in the Age of Death, why ?
Because most people in the world are not paying attention properly and accordingly to the world environment, because we're just doing the business as usual, even just after the UNFCCC in Bali (2008) ended. We're , now start talking about how to increase the world production of oil and food as well, because we're approaching world crisis of both oil and food, which could absolutely trigger war between nation or perhaps social conflicts among people in the country or between countries.
To increase the supply of oil, we try to get from bio energy, this ,will eventually converte almost one third of food production for human, like corn, to bio energy and of course the price of of food for human will increase for less supply.
So, this just a paradox, where we can't increase the production of food if we use the same food to be a substitute of oil as bio energy, especially in the case of corn. Because of that dilemma, some country think to apply the nuclear energy and coal to increase their supply of energy to support their industries. On the other hand, we all know that all of them, i.e nuclear and coal are harmful to the environment.
It is likely that the 21st century is not better than the last 20th century, where a lot of bloodsheds happened, like World War I and II, The Bolshevik Revolution, The Holocaust, Vietnam War, and wars between tribes in African countries, and the bloodbath continues in the 21st century like war in Iraq and Afganistan, New York Bombing 9/11, terrorist bombing in Bali,
Jakarta, India, Spain, London, war in Bosnia,Tsunami disaster, earthquake in Yogyakarta etc.
But the most terrifying moment will happen, sooner or later, like it or not, if we don't care to the environment , we do not change our lifestyle, still do the business as usual, destroying the environment, greedy attitude in exhausting natural resources and a lot more bad habit toward a faster decaying process of mother nature. We're just awaiting our turn.
"Hodie mihi, cras tibi" ( Alexander the Great, 356 - 323 BC )

Friday, July 25, 2008

The doomsday scenario

Everybody understands well, if global warming will, eventually drew up the sea level all over the world. There will be no exception, but the most miserable group are the people who live in small islands, especially in the 'low-lying islands', which laid about one meter above sea level.
According to the study and analysis , the effect of global warming, if we don't do anything , by the end of this century the sea level will increase by about one meter.
It means that we will have a lot of numbers of immersing small islands all over the world, including 42 countries of small islands or SIDS ( Small Islands Developing States ) which is stretching from Asia, Africa, Pacific, Caribia and Mediterania.
If the sea level raises by one meter by the end of this century, the UNFCCC (2005) reported ,
Maldives will be wiped out from the world map, while Grenada and East Papua will loss about 50% of their shorelines.
Another threat will appear from the raising of the sea water temperature which will trigger the coral bleaching epidemic , where this will destroy the population of coral species and will make
an estimable economic loss , not only to the country itself, but also to the world.
This is just only the begining, if we, the people of the world still doing our business as usual , like
destroying the nature, maintain the extravagant lifestyle, and ignorance behaviour to the
environment, we, sooner or later will witness the worst things happen.
"Apres nous, le deluge" Mme Pompadour.
We have been witnessing a lot of disasters recently, and will realize a lot more catastrophes made by human shortly, not because the curse from God.