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Monday, October 13, 2008

"Zero Population Growth"

Every 5 seconds a kid will die because of hunger, and 59 millions children allover the world, everyday would go to school without food. It is a very staggering and frightening data from the UN and actually it's.
Long time ago, Brown a geophysicist, in 1954, in his wild imagination, already cited a more intimidating prediction. He has calculated, by extrapolating current trends for 5000 years, another set of impossibilities.

"At present rates, says Brown, all known food sources on earth would be consumed by the end of this century. Let us suppose, however, that science became so ingenious that men learned how to transform rock itself into food. By the year 2700, all the earth would have been consumed. Assuming still further, always for purposes of illustration, that science found a way of utilizing other planets as food. This could help little, for by the year 3200 all the planets would have been eaten. His hypothetical case even further, let's assume that science could transform the sun itself into food, by the year 3700 the sun would also have been eliminated shortly."

The point is clear, where the world could not support the absolute population with the present rates anymore, where 50% of world populaiuton eventually will inhabit cities, and this circumstances lead to a deterioration of the quality of human life and serious both social and biological problems.
The stabilization of world population is first priority, a must, and necessary as prerequisite to ecological regeneration. We're on red alert, can't wait until it comes as a result of economic development. It's our future, think about it !
'Zero Population Growth' now!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Growth vs Environment

Our world is now going to decide, like it or not, whether we have to proceed with growth policy or turn to the environmental lead toward better an cleaner world environment, which means approaching to zero growth as well as zero population growth.
It's actually both an extreme and cruel choice to world society, but it's the fact we face now. The serious problem concerning global warming resulted from heavy and persistent pollution and lead to scarcity of natural resources and worldwide energy crisis recently, trigger a worldwide debate whether economic growth should be slowed down to preserve both natural resources and the environment as well not to mention this condition also will eventually create price stability instead of inflation.
The consequences of this policy will finally lead to the zero population growth and steady state economy as well. It's ridiculous whena leader of a country said that he will preserve environment accordingly, but still adopt high economic growth rate.
We hope that decision could be made shortly before we destroyed all of our mineral/natural resources, drowned in our industrial wastes, and unavoidable worldwide heat where human could not sustain and live anymore. Apocalypse now !

"Cool-Biz" policy

The Japanese policy concerning energy seems clear and serious, where every office building in Japan must apply the 'cool-biz' policy where they have to minimize and set the temperature inside the building to 28 degree centigrade.
"It was hard but we become acquainted" said Hiroaki Tagaki, the Secretary General for Climate Changes Actions. You won't believe it, when you enter either the Government or business offices buildings in Tokyo or Hokkaido, you would find employees and workers do their jobs without wearing tie nor jacket like before, some of them even prefer to use fan just to refresh their working space.
It's a very good start to fight the climate change and must be applied by everybody in this tiny and fragile planet. Who will follow then ? Take action now !