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Friday, June 13, 2008

Bio energy

Since 2006, about 25 millions ton corn had already converted into bio energy as green oil.
The rough forecast of the consumption of corn to be converted into bio energy will be about six
times in 2010 . And in 2020 the projection of this program in the US, the Eurozone countries, and China will be about 300 millions ton/yr, 200 millions ton/yr, and 50 millions ton/yr respectively.
On the other hand, world corn production will be about 800 millions ton/yr , where half of the production will be absorbed in the cattle food production, not to mention corn for human food.
So, beside for human and cattle food, corn will also becoming a new source of bio energy.
To realize this program the US Government is preparing a massive and large scale production of corn by converting non-corn farm to be a corn farm, this policy explains why the price of soybean, wheat, and other agricultural products are getting higher recently.
The world has to feed world citizens that is getting bigger every time, on the other hand world farm land diminishes rapidly.
Le's put corn in its main function as human and cattle food , the bottom line is that we, all the people of the world, have to think again and again, whether we have to proceed the plan to convert corn into bio energy, or we have to change our life style.
After all the choice is ours, think about it !

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