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Monday, September 15, 2008

Obvious conflicts.

The global warming which increases the world temperature, will absolutely affect and harm water resources and finally food supply. And if we could not manage well this scenario from the beginning
it will eventually trigger conflicts, even wars among nations.
According to UNEP study, the most critical areas will cover almost all African continent, Mediteranian, and Sahel.
The climate change is just the beginning, and it will create a snowballing effects, and will culminate by the end of XXX century. We already witnessed long drought, shortage of water supply, soil degradedness, raising sea level, big flood, hurricanes, deadly viruses, smashed harvest, and lot more catastrophes. and all of them will encounter us more frequently shortly, whether we like it or not. The hurricanes, floods, and raising sea level are still threaten along the shorelines of China, India, and the US.
Whenever the Himalaya snow melt, it will cause the disappearance of water resources, which will affect the water supply in India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. Not to mention the climate change which affect and create hot spots and possible to destroy the tropical forests in Amazone, Congo, and Southeastasia.
All of them have and will create conflicts between regions, provinces, even nations. So, be prepared for the worst day that will come, sooner or later. Take care !

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Better world

In Living Planet Report (2006) the WWF for Nature cited that the ecosystem of our planet now, is going through to a very serious condition which never happened before in the human history.The degradedness
of the tropical/rain forests in Amazon, Congo, and Indonesia, for instance, are accelerating rapidly to an unthinkable collapse condition.
This circumstances, will eventually, like it or not, trigger shortages of both water and food supply in the world, not to mention hundred millions people will lost their home because of either flood or drought, and they become starving refugees.
Since Protocol Tokyo (1997) until UNFCCC (Bali 2007) there is no real action taken by industrial countries like USA which against both Tokyo Protocol and Bali Covention. Hard to iamgine this world wide movement which has a dominant role to make better world for all, without the participation of the Big Guy in the block, like the US.
Come on we're run out of time, act now, or we will feel sorry and miserable.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Go green !

Since Japan is not a rich natural resources country, the Japanese have been trying so hard to recycle everything, in order to save the world environment. From recycle the waste, both industrial and domestic waste, build the 'zero pollution' industrial estates, and produce the 'environment friendly' transportation modes.
Not to mention, Japan had already built the nuclear power plant which is friendly to the environment i.e Genkai Nuclear Power Station, where you can find that it's not a terrible place to visit,even for kids.
The eco-town project in Kitakyushu in 1997, had changed the whole atmosphere here, where people could enjoy the blue sky and fresh air, also more than 100 varieties of fishes live freely in the Bay of Dokai, where this is never happened before.
The producers of automobile in Japan also try hard to find a way to reduce the pollution problem from fuel cell combustion process, like produce the hybrid car until recycle the old and junk cars. Not only junk cars can be recycled but also another rubbish from trash of office equipments like copy machine, computer, printer, refrigerator, AC, TV, plastic, hospital equipments, washing machine, glass, lamp and many more.
So, go green folks,.... for better world !