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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Better world

In Living Planet Report (2006) the WWF for Nature cited that the ecosystem of our planet now, is going through to a very serious condition which never happened before in the human history.The degradedness
of the tropical/rain forests in Amazon, Congo, and Indonesia, for instance, are accelerating rapidly to an unthinkable collapse condition.
This circumstances, will eventually, like it or not, trigger shortages of both water and food supply in the world, not to mention hundred millions people will lost their home because of either flood or drought, and they become starving refugees.
Since Protocol Tokyo (1997) until UNFCCC (Bali 2007) there is no real action taken by industrial countries like USA which against both Tokyo Protocol and Bali Covention. Hard to iamgine this world wide movement which has a dominant role to make better world for all, without the participation of the Big Guy in the block, like the US.
Come on we're run out of time, act now, or we will feel sorry and miserable.

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