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Friday, May 23, 2008

Change your lifestyle

We do hope that the world society would response quickly and accordingly to the world critical
environmental problems that appear become worse every time.
Living Planet Report (2006) stated that the ecosystem of our planet is in the worst condition that never happened before and in the high movement toward an unthinkable rotten condition where no one could predict accurately.
The real example, in front of our eyes, is the uncontrolled speed of the deforestation process in the Amazon, Congo, and Indonesia which still going on until to date and might be moving faster than ever before.

'We're ready to live without hamburger' said Hanna Sundwell (16) from Sweden, he and his friend Thomas Bielby (16) from England, Hezel Candalario (15) from the Philippines, and Eni Yani (17)
from Indonesia. They came to the UNCCC Conference in Bali as members of CCC ( Children in
Changing Climate) Program. They are aware that the lifestyle of eating hamburger is just wasting energy in terms of both the process production and transportation as well.
They just don't want to inherit a rotten world from us.

Greenpeace in cooperation with Bali Hotels Association launched a save energy program called :
'Switch off, unplug, and enjoy' where all hotels management in Bali will put a strong measures to the utilization of energy like electricity, air conditioning, water heater and other electricity equipments. With the hope that Bali would be one of an energy efficient tourist destination in the world.

The climate change is just the beginning, but the effect will continue consistently and escalating
from time to time. It will, eventually create problems of water availability and food supply will become worse, and famine will be the next scenario and not to mention the possibility of
triggering new war in the world to fight for water and food.
There is no good scenario nor good news anymore, you have to be ready to the worst scenario,
that is the doomsday scenario.
So, change your lifestyle, or you will feel sorry then.

In England some decades ago, in the era of Margaret Thatcher Administration there was a campaign with the spirit of saving the world, where they re-use the waste water from bathing for watering the plant and and wash the cloth. I do not know if this spirit is still there today. You might produce the energy alternatives from both the palm oil and castor oil, where theorytecally it's visible, but you never imagine, in the long run it'll finally destroy the forest
and convert them into the plantation areas of both palm oil tree and castor oil plant and the result is just nothing but ' a zero sum game ' nobody will get benefit, we just go into another trap.
So, the key is just change your lifestyle, or you will be a looser.

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