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Saturday, May 3, 2008

What to do

There are a lot of things could be done to slow down the process of global heating, and every individu can choose one of them that fit well with his circumstances. The most important thing is your awareness and commitment to do so. Than , tell your family, your neighbours, your friends to do the same things.
Here are some tips :
-No lights and electrical appliances/devices after you finished to use them.
-Put your airconditioning in a medium or light cold, or put it off at night.
-Be a smart and well mannered driver never be a mischievous driver.
-'Value waste', put your rubbish properly, if possible fermented your organic rubbish to produce
biogas or bioenergy or fertilizer/compost. ( Study more :"How to convert your garbages into
useful things")
-Open your doors and windows to allow sunshines go into your house space, so you do not need
electrical loights..

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