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Monday, May 19, 2008

Urbanization and peace

Today the problem of urbanization is getting worse where everytime the amount of people who move to the city is getting more and more, they just abandoned their land and farm in the rural area, because they do not have any choice to do beside that.
They just leave their home and farm unmanaged and neglected. This condition, like it or not, will eventually lead to a more worsening condition of environment in both the city and rural areas.
Why ?
The city will be overcrowded that lead to producing more and more waste and pollution,on the other hand,in the rural area the condition of environment will deteriorate slowly but surely, because nobody manage both farms and homes.
A brilliant idea had been introduced by former Governor of Oita, Japan, who is now the President Oita OVOP ( One Village One Product ) International Exchange Promotion Committee, Mr.Morihiko Hiramatsu,where the main aim is to solve the problem of urbanization in most big cities in Asia by empowering local communities to develop their own both culture and product, so they could gain economic benefit and community pride as well.
They can produce original products with fully local contents using an international standard of either tastes and qualities, so can be accepted globally.
This project is so far already implemented and applied to several rural communities in China, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
Most of the communities members are woman who mostly have a lot of spare times to study and try to develop their own products in agricultures, trade, and tourism. The government musthelp, fasilitate, and subsidized in term of technical assistance and marketing.
OVOP should be developed in the area where they could not attract hightech industries to invest,but want to be freedfrom poverty and hunger.
This movement could eventually prevent massive urbanization,and raise income to rural people
and will finally make peace to all.

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