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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Save the world

The essence of those all kinds of prohibitions is actually, we have to live in a simple way instead of copying cat the bourgeois like lifestyle in a hedonistic world, which only doing stupid things by wasting, sucking, and exhausting almost all of our natural resources and left nothing but miseries, famine, calamity, and natural disasters to the next generation.
Indonesia was the host country of UNFCCC held in Bali 3-14 December 2007, with global warming as the main issue , where thousands people from around the world stormed to Bali to attend the conference ( Well ! they in fact, did the actions that's NOT 'pro environment' by employing a lot of aeroplanes which came from around the world , cars, and produced waste a lot during the convention )
It's likely that Indonesia was very busy at that time as the host country, but not so serious to implement the resolutions and recommendations of the conference. We never saw, so far, a real action and program implementation held by the government in doing so, even, we 're sure that the spirit of the convention is already evaporated, like it or not, and the business is still going as usual.
Take an easy step, like formulate the government regulation to prohibit supermarkets to give a plastic bag to buyers, so buyers must bring their own bag. This kind of rule have been adopted since decades ago by European countries . At least three parties will get benefit from this action
i.e the environment will, obviously, getting better, the merchant's cost will decrease, and the buyers will pay less.
Act soon, we can't wait anymore !

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