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Friday, May 2, 2008

Respect mother nature

The more simple your life, the better the world will be, this is based on the data of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) carried along in the atmosphere in the first quarter of 2006 which is 381 ppm, far beyond
the average level happened beforethe industrial ra in the 19th century.
Why ?
Well, because after that, a lot of industries were built all over the world in a massive ways, including large scales deforestation by burning and destroying tropical forest, especially in Brasil and South East Asia, where Indonesia is absolutely the worst among them.
All of those activitities, i.e. industries and deforestation produce gases which is called carbon dioxide (co2) and methane. Not only those two activities which produce poisonous gases, but other activities like combustion engines which burn fuel in an engine of car and motor bike , and large dumped of garbages also could produce similar gases that harmful to human life.
Both co2 and methane gases could then create " the green house effect " i.e in a simple mean is the effect where gases may let the sun infrared ray get into the atmosphere to radiate all living things in the world and keep them alife , but unfortunately these gases will not allow the infrared ray out of the atmospere and keep it. This phenomenon, in the long run could obviously
trigger an excessive heat in the atmosphere and make our world become hotter everytimes.
This condition will , of course, then affect a lot of unpredicted situations, like the large scale melting both south and north poles.
Not only that, it also confuse both weather forecast and seasonal times, cause fire and burn forests evrywhere in the world, unsuccesful or even a fail harvest in agricultural, resulted in global famine, like we already witnessed lately.
The other dangers that emerges slowly but surely, already in front of our eyes, like the emerging and raking up of new dangerous diseases, i.e AIDS, avianflu, monkeypox, ebola, anthrax and a lot more that will emerge soon and ready to attack human life, whetheryou like it or not. Unfortunatelty, we have not found yet the medicine to either cure or prevent those diseases.

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